My favorite recipes

Click on any of the following links for the recipe!!

Apfelkuchen | Banana Bread | Basic White Bread | Broccoli- Tortellini- Topf | Dutch Layer Salad | Emsländer Heideeintopf | Fahrerpunch | Geschnetzeltes | Far | Gazpacho | Glühwein | Grog | Holländischer Eintopf | Mignontorte | Milchreis | Nudeleintopf | Pizza Crust | Pizza Crust a la Marcelo | Pizza- Nudeln | Punch | Rice Crispy Treats | Rotkohl | Rye Bread | Welfencreme |



500g Mehl
150g Magarine
1 Ei
1 Tasse H2O

kneten, halbieren, unten ausrollen,
Aepfel (saure) draufschneiden und zuckern,
Zweite Haelfte ausrollen und mit Zucker und Magarine
bestreut oben drauf legen.


Banana Bread


3.5 cups sifted flour
2 tsp. baking soda
1.5 tsp. salt
1 tsp. cinnamon
3 cups of sugar (brown?)

4 eggs slightly beaten
1 cup oil
2/3 cup water
2 cups bananas

Stiff all dry ingredients, including sugar Make a well in it and add liquid.
Mix all!  Bake in well-greased bread pans at 350 Fahrenheit for one hour.

Basic white bread


Measure into mixing bowel 1/2 cup warm (not hot) water
Add stirring to disolve 2 pkg dry yeast

Stir in
1 3/4 c. luke warm milk
3 tbsp sugar
1 tbsp salt
2 tbsp soft shortening
half of 7 to 7 1/4 c. sifted flour

Mix with spoon until smooth.
Add enough remaining flour to handle easily. Knead dough until smooth and elastic.
Round up in greased bowl. Turn to bring greased side up. Cover with damp cloth.
Let rise in warm place until double (about 1 1/2 hours). Punch down.
Let rise again until almost double (about 30 min). Divide dough into two parts.
Shape into loaf. Place in 9x5x3" loaf pan. Let rise and bake 25-30 min at 425 degrees.

Pizza Crust


1  package of dry yeast
2  pinches of sugar

Sprinkle on 1/2 cup and 2 tbsp of lukewarm water
Stir it! Warm place 3-5 minutes!

1 3/4 cup flower
1/2    tsp  salt

Mix it, then add 1/2 cup of lukewarm water
and 6 tbsp vegetable oil

Knead it for 15 minutes, then let it rise for 1 1/2 hours
after that knead a little more than flatten it out.


Pizza Crust a la Marcelo

1 plus 1/2 teaspoon of active dry yeast (I have some if you want)
1 cup of lukewarm water
3 plus 1/4 of all purpose flour
2 tablespoons of olive oil
1/2 teaspoons of salt
2 tablespoons of sugar

Dissolve the yeast completely in a large bowl with 1/4 cup of the water. This process should take about 10 min or less. The water MUST NOT be too hot, otherwise it will kill the yeast

Stirring with a wooden spoon or fork, add one cup of flour. Then, as you continue to stir, add 1 tablespoon of olive oil, the salt, 1/4 of cup of the water and GRADUALLY 1 cup more of flour. When putting in flour and water for the last time, hold back some of both and add only as much of either as you need to make the dough manageable, soft, but not too sticky. (This step is crucial. If you add all the flour at once the dough might become too dry. Add a bit, look, feel...add a bit more and so on...

Take the dough out of the bowl and put it in a superfine with dusted flour, and start to knead the dough. Stretch the dough a bit, reach for the far end, fold it toward you, turn it 90 degrees counter clockwise,  and then push it away again with the heel of your palm. Fold toward you again, turn... and repeat the process. Do this for about 10 minutes, until the dough looks like a baby ass. Add more flour to the your hand and superfine if the dough is too sticky. Shape it up in a ball.

Film the inside of a clean bowl with some olive oil. Put in the dough, cover with plastic film an let it rise threefold. At least 3 hours. NO shortcuts here.

At least 30 minutes before baking, turn the oven on to 450 degrees (the hotter the better). If you want, I can lend you my baking stone and the wooden instrument to place the raw pizza on the stone.  Open the dough with your hands or with the help of a wooden roll and place in the wooden instrument or in a large and shalow tray. Put the toppings, bake it and voila'.


Rye Bread


In small bowl mix 6 tsp dry yeast (2 pkg) with 1/2 c. warm water.

Mix in a large dish pan
1/2 c. brown sugar
1/2 c. light molasses
4 tbsp soft magarine
4 tsp salt
4 c. warm water
2 tbsp caraway seeds (optional)

Add yeast to mixture in large pan. Add flours: 2 c. high gluten flour, 2 c. rye flour and about 7 c. white flour.
Mix with spoon or beater with enough flour to give a consistency for kneading.
Turn onto a floured table and knead in the rest of the flour. Let rise 1 1/2 to 2 hours. Punch down.
Let rise again about 1 hour. Form into four loaves in loaf pans. Let rise 45 min to 1 hour more.
Bake at 350 degrees about 35 minutes.



250g Gehacktes anbraten
1-2   Stangen Porree
250g Möhren
2-3   Eßl Ketchup
1lt     Wasser
200g Nudeln
Salz, Pfeffer, Paprika, eventuell etwas Brühwürfel

Gewürfeltes Gemüse zum Gehackten geben,mit Wasser,Ketchup und Gewürzen
auffüllen und 25 Min. garen. Dann die Nudeln zugeben, noch einmal aufkochen und 15 Min
quellen lassen. Abschmecken und dann guten Hunger.

Holländischer Eintopf


40g   Fett
250 g Gehacktes
1kg   Möhren
500g Kartoffeln
500g Zwiebeln
Salz, Pfeffer, Paprika
1,5 Tassen Wasser

Fleisch anbraten, Gemüse und Kartoffeln, Gewürze und Wasser zugeben und
bei geschlossenem Deckel 30 Min. garen. Abschmecken.



250g  Fleisch in Streifen schneiden
          (Schwein, Lamm Rind, Geflügel)
250g  Champignons( oder ein Glas)
Salz ,Pfeffer, Paprika,bei Huhn auch Curry
1/8 lt Sahne 1/8 lt Wasser
Mehl zum Binden

Fleisch scharf anbraten, Pilze und vielleicht noch gehackte Zwiebel zugeben und
mit Wasser und Gewürzen aufgießen.
Garen bis Fleisch gar ist und mit Sahne auffullen und noch einmal durchkochen.
Etwas Mehl mit Wasser verrühren und in die Masse einrühren bis sie die
gewünschte Sämigkeit hat. Abschmecken.
Übrigens, alle Rezepte sind für 4 Personen.

Broccoli- Tortellini- Topf


250g   Tortellini
250g   Pilze
1   Zwiebel
125g   Butter
200g   gekochter Schinken
200g   Frischkäse
100g   Roquefort
500g   Broccoli

Tortellini garen und abgießen.Pilze mit Zwiebeln in Butter andünsten. Schinkenwürfeln
und zur Pilzmasse geben.Beide Sorten Käse ebenfalls zugeben und unterrühren.
Broccoli in Salzwasser garen. Nudeln, Schinkensauce und Brocolli in eine Schüssel
geben und vorsichtig verrühren.

Emsländer Heideeintopf


250g   Gulasch
2große Zwiebeln
je 1 rote, grüne, gelbe Paprika
750g  Kartoffeln
4 Tomaten
Salz, Pfeffer, Paprika
½ lt Brühe oder Wasser mit Brühwürfeln

Die Zubereitung weißt Du ja jetzt schon. 45 Min. garen.

Pizza- Nudeln


400g  Nudeln kochen und abgießen
200g  Salami in Streifen
6  Tomaten zerkleinern
1  Glas Pilze

Alle Zutaten vermischen und in eine Auflaufform geben.Masse aus 3 Eiern,
1/8 lt Sahne, Muskat, Salz,  Pfeffer,Oregano verrühren und über die anderen Zutaten
geben. Mit geriebenen Käse bestreuen und bei 200° etwa 30 Min. backen.




1 Teil Rum
2 Teile heisses Wasser
3 Würfelzucker




1 Glas = 1/4 Liter
1 Essl Zucker
1 Nelke (clove)
1 Stangenzimt, Canele
1Zitronenscheibe oder Apfelsine





2 Fl. Rotwein 
Saft einer Zitrone/ 2 Orangen 
100 g Zucker 
1 Zimtstange 
3 Nelken 
1/4 lt Rum oder Tee




1 lt Apfelsaft 
1/4 lt Orangensaft 
1/2 lt Johannisbeer- oder Kirschsaft 
Saft einer Zitrone und einer Apfelsine 
1 Zimtstange 
3 Nelken 




Here is the receipe of le riz au lait.
Of course, feel free to add raisins.
Sorry the measures are in the metric system.
For 6 persons 
1 liter of milk
150g of sugar
180g of rice 
1 vanilla pod 
Cook the rice for 2 minutes in boiling water.
Strain it and pour it in warm milk with the vanilla.
Cook it on light fire until the rice has absorbed all the milk.
Stir sometimes to make sure it does not stick. 
Once almost all the milk is absorbed, pour the sugar and stir.


Rice Crispy Treats



Combine the corn syrup, sugar, and p.b. in a dutch oven on the stove or in a really big microwaveable bowl. Heat gently until the sugar is completely dissolved, stirring a lot! It will probably need to come to a very gentle boil to do this. Remove from heat, and immediately stir in the rice krispies. Spread into a greased 9x13 or other pan, and chill in the fridge until firm. Cut into squares, and voila!
Here's the trick to making these hold together really well: When you put it into the pan, butter your fingers and press the mixture firmly into the pan.
May be topped with melted chocolate chips, in little drizzles over the cut squares (pretty) or just a flat layer over the whole pan, or you can sub some choc. chips/candy for a teensy bit of the cereal. I like'em best plain, though.




1/2 l Milch
1 Vanillezucker
40g Zucker
35g Staerkepulver
3 Eiweiss

3 Eigelb
100g Zucker
1TL Staerkepulver
1/4 l Weisswein
1/2 Zitrone

bisschen Milk mit Staerke anruehren. Rest Milch mit Vanillezucker und Zucker kochen. Eiweiss schlagen. 
Milch kochen, Milch mit Staerke dazu, dann Eiweiss unterschlagen.
Alles andere in den Topf. Unter staendigen Schlagen erhitzen bis es Blasen schlaegt.



Dutch Layer Salad


clean lettuce (1 head chopped)
green onions (minced)
green peas
sprinkle cheese on top
hard boiled eggs (6 eggs)
bacon (crumbled up)
mayonnaise (top layer before cheese)

lettuce should be dry, press the individual layers down and refrigerate,
long time before serving it, take it out. Always make in advance, do not serve
right away





8-10 large tomatoes, skinned (blanch ~1 min boiling water)
3 med white onions (not yellow)
3 cucumbers, skinned and seeded
3 green bell peppers, seeds and ribs removed
1 red bell pepper, seeds and ribs removed
½ c red wine vinegar
¼ c olive oil
½ tsp each cumin/black pepper/cayenne/basil
5-8 cloves of garlic
½-1 c unseasoned bread crumbs

Set aside 1 cucumber, 1 green and the red pepper for giblets. Puree tomatoes,
onions, 2 cucumbers, 2 green peppers and garlic in blender. Puree a bit at
a time and then pour into a large bowl. Once you finish pureeing, mix in remaining
ingredients (except giblets) and stir well with a wire wisk. Cut veggies for
giblets into small pieces. Serve cold in bowls with giblets in a separate dish
so guests can add to taste. Add more vinegar to taste.
Serves 10 or more. Will keep 7-10 in refrigerator.





250 gr of prunes that have been put in some water for an hour
150 gr of sugar
200 gr of flour
4 eggs
1/2 liter of milk
100 gr of butter (yep, but you might try with a little bit less, just for
your health)
a little bit of salt

Mix flour, sugar and salt
in the middle,break the eggs. Mix well
Slowly add up the milk until you obtain an homogenous consistency
Leave it in the fridge for an hour

Butter a large cooking pan
put the prunes and then the mixture
you can add a little bit butter on the top
Bake for 45 minutes on medium heat.




Red cabbage, salt, sugar, apple juice, pepper, onion, cloves, bay leaves, vinegar, oil

Cut red cabbage into little pieces (one head of cabbage)
Put oil in pot, add cabbage and let simmer for a little while.
Meantime sprinkle a good amount of vinegar on cabbage (for it to keep its color).
Cover with lit and "gut durchschwenken" so that vinegar gets everywhere.
Then add salt, pepper, sugar, a whole onion (with cloves stuck into it)
and 2 or 3 bay leaves. Don't add water, but apple juice, only enough so that
the bottom of the pot is covered and that it does not burn. Bring to a boil once
and then let simmer.




250 g Mehl, (flour)
65 g Zucker (sugar)
1 Vanillezucker (vanilla sugar or half a teaspoon extract)
1 Ei (egg)
125 g Butter (butter)
Mix these five ingredients to dough. The butter should be pretty soft before you start using it. 
Leave outside the fridge for a couple hours before beginning to work.
The bake three crusts. Split dough into three equal parts and flatten each part on well-greased tin. 
Back crust until they are gold-yellow in color. 
Creme: (the filling)
4 Eigelb (egg yolk)
125 g Zucker (sugar)
1 Vanillezucker (vanilla sugar or half a teaspoon of vanilla extract)
35 g Stärkemehl (corn starch)
Saft von einer Zitrone (juice of one lemon)
1/8 l Weißwein (one eights liter of white wine) 
Put everything in pot and bring to a boil, while you are stirring it permanently. 
The liquid mass will turn cream when it boils.

When cream has almost cooled down, take 100 g of room-temperatured butter and stir into mass. 
Also had 2 tablespoons of powdered sugar to it. 
Then assemble the cake: Three crusts with two layers of cream in-between. 
Let cake rest for 2-3 days before eating it.